Missing teeth can alter your facial shape and also disturb your overall tooth alignment, making you conscious of smiling confidently. If you have lost your tooth due to an accident, some blunt-force trauma, or have undergone a tooth extraction, you can still complete your missing smile (and tooth) with dental implant surgery (also known as a dental implant procedure).
Dental implant-supported teeth are considered to be the next best alternative to a natural tooth in most circumstances. A dental implant could be used to replace single or multiple teeth in the mouth.
Parts of A Dental Implant
A tooth restored by implant dentistry consists of the following parts:

Dental Implant: The titanium screw, post, or implant is placed on the jawbone (wherever your missing tooth used to be, right into the socket). It’s the metal anchor that acts as the root of your restored tooth.
Abutment: This part is screwed into the implant and serves as the base of the crown and connects the crown to the implant. This substructure adds extra support to the crown as a supporting contact. The abutment is necessary because it makes it harder for the crown to loosen up or crack under biting pressure compared to simply fixing the crown into the implant.
Prosthesis / Crown: The crown is the part of the restored tooth that gives a natural tooth appearance. It serves as the cap that is put onto your implant in order to serve as your replacement tooth. It’s made to be tough and it’s actually replaceable in case it cracks. It is cemented or screwed onto the abutment. If screwed, the screw hole is covered with a restorative material used in filling cavities (composite).
What is the duration of Dental Implant Treatment?
This is a very subjective question. The current technology allows us to place the teeth over the implant in the same sitting. However, these are provisional restorations and need to be changed after a certain period of time. However, immediate placement of teeth over implants depends upon many factors and cannot be generalized to all the patients.
Conventionally, the duration of implant treatment may vary between 2 months to even more than a year depending upon the quality and quantity of bone present.
Phases of Treatment:
Diagnosis: You may have to undergo certain radiological (X-ray, CBCT) and haematological (blood test) investigations before the treatment. This helps us in treatment planning and gives us a very close estimate of the time and duration of treatment. The treatment options are discussed with the patient and the treatment plan is finalized only after that.

Phase 1 (Surgery): This involves placement of dental implants or/and bone regeneration procedures if required. Healing screws or temporary teeth may/may not be placed in the same sitting, depending upon many factors which are explained in detail to the patient.
There has to be a gap of 2-6 months between Phase 1 and Phase 2
Phase 2 (Surgery): This phase is dedicated to placing healing screws or bone trainers to make a healthy channel of gums around the path from which teeth would be connected to the implants inside the bone. It takes 3-6 weeks for gums to heal around the gingival formers. However, in most cases, this phase is integrated with the first phase.
Phase 3 (Placement of teeth): Phase 3 can start immediately after Phase 2 gets over. Once the implants have united with the bone (osseointegration), the next step is to place the teeth over them. This phase may take anywhere between 5 days to 3 months. It depends on the number of teeth, the make of teeth, the requirement of temporary teeth, requirement of any adjuvant procedure.
Indiadens is the best dental Clinic in South Delhi to get your dental implant treatment done.
Dr. Ujjwal Gulati, one of the best oral and maxillofacial surgeons in India, leads the team of dental surgeons, making Indiadens one of the leading centres for dental implant surgery in Delhi NCR.
Indiadens also possesses high-end infrastructure like a specially designed minor OT (Operation Theatre) and cutting-edge technology to support the esteemed team of dental implant surgeons.
It has become one of the favourite destinations for dental implant tourism for patients travelling from various countries for the best quality dental implants at affordable costs.
The cost of Dental Implant Treatment here starts at INR 15000/- (Fifteen thousand only).
Contact us now to book an appointment for a free consultation (physical / online). Use code “INDIADENS IMPLANTS” in the comments section of the “Book an appointment” form.