“Wisdom teeth” is the common name for “Third Molars” present in our mouth. They are the last teeth to erupt in both the corners of our upper and lower jaws. They are a source of frequent problems in the oral cavity like recurrent pain, recurrent swelling, traumatic bite, ulcers and even cysts and tumours are relatively more common with wisdom teeth.
Indiadens is one of the top rated dental clinics for removal or extraction of impacted wisdom teeth or problematic third molars. The team of surgeons is headed by one of the finest and much sought-after oral and maxillofacial surgeons in India, Dr Ujjwal Gulati.
Some of the most common questions that our patients ask are answered below.
What is an impacted wisdom tooth?
Wisdom teeth (third molars) are usually the last new teeth you get, normally when you are over 16. Often there is not enough space in your mouth for wisdom teeth, so they do not grow completely or in the proper position. When this happens, your wisdom teeth are said to be ‘impacted’. Wisdom teeth are usually impacted forwards into the tooth in front or backward into your jaw bone.
What is the cost of the wisdom tooth extraction?

The cost of wisdom tooth extraction varies with the complexity of the procedure. At Indiadens, we perform the procedure under extremely safe and sterile conditions with the latest atraumatic equipment. We have a surgical team headed by Dr Ujjwal Gulati for all minor and major surgical procedures including simple and complex wisdom teeth extraction. Removal of wisdom teeth starts from INR 2000.
Why are wisdom teeth a common source of problem?
Wisdom teeth/third molars are the last adult teeth to come into the mouth (erupt). With evolution, the size of the human jaws has decreased over the years and there may not be enough space left in the jaws for the wisdom teeth to emerge straight. As a result, they tend to come out at an unusual position or angulation causing problems.
- Partially erupted or malpositioned wisdom teeth are hard to clean so they are at a higher risk to decay.
- They may also lead to decay in the adjacent second molar.
- A continuous pressure against the second molar may cause crowding of front teeth, requiring orthodontic correction to straighten the teeth.
In rare instances they may also cause cysts and tumours of the jaws requiring surgical treatment.
What are the common symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?
The most common symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth are:
- Tooth pain, dull or severe
- Jaw pain, sometimes radiating to the ear and/or head.
- Difficulty and pain in mouth opening in severe cases
- Swelling and redness around the gums
- Occasional discharge of blood/pus
Why do I need wisdom tooth surgery?
An impacted wisdom tooth can cause a number of problems so it may be necessary to have it removed. The most common problems are:
- Repeated infections in the gum surrounding your wisdom tooth. This causes pain and swelling.
- Food packing, which causes decay in either your wisdom tooth or the tooth adjacent to it.
- Cyst or tumour formation around your wisdom tooth. You get a cyst when fluid fills the sack that normally surrounds a developing wisdom tooth.
Do I need an oral surgeon for my wisdom teeth?
Oral surgeons have the requisite training and skill to handle the most complex of wisdom teeth cases. Their surgical background allows them to be able to manage the surgical and anesthesia aspects of wisdom tooth removal providing you with the safest procedure possible with the least risks and complications.
What makes Indiadens one of the best centres for wisdom tooth extraction?
- Highly skilled and experienced surgery team: The surgery department is headed by our Director and founder “Dr. Ujjwal Gulati”, who is the best Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Delhi, India and is well-known for his proficiency in dealing with highly complex oral and maxillofacial surgery cases. His skill and experience along with the latest armamentarium make surgical treatment at Indiadens a unique and unforgettable experience.
- State-of-the-art minor OT: We have an in-house minor operation theatre equipped with an ultramodern armamentarium to render the best treatment under ideal sterile settings.
- Inhalation sedation: The OT is also equipped with an inhalational sedation facility for apprehensive/fearful patients.
- World-class infrastructure and equipment: The surgery department at Indiadens is equipped with ultra-modern equipment like atraumatic electric motors, piezosurgery unit, laser, PRF(platelet-rich fibrin) centrifuge, etc. to give you the best surgical experience.
- Reasonable charges: The icing on the cake for all patients is that in spite of such high-quality standards in infrastructure and human resources, the cost of treatment at Indiadens is extremely reasonable.
How is wisdom tooth surgery done?
Surgery is mostly performed under local anesthesia which is attained by means of an intra-oral injection. In exceptional situations, it may have to be done under general anesthesia which requires hospitalization. Once anesthesia is achieved, your gums may need to be cut to expose the tooth. This may or may not be followed by the removal of some surrounding bone and splitting your tooth into two or more pieces. After removal of the tooth, two or more stitches may be required for better and faster healing of the wound.
What should I expect immediately after the procedure?
Since the local anesthetic lasts for a few hours after the procedure, very little discomfort is present. By taking the prescribed analgesics at the right time, most patients are able to control the discomfort associated with the procedure very well.
What are the benefits of wisdom tooth surgery?
The main benefit of removing your impacted wisdom tooth is that it will get rid of any existing infection and prevent further infection in the future. It also negates the chances of developing any cyst or tumours which is common with third molars.
Where will be wisdom tooth surgery be carried out?
It is mostly done in a dental clinic under sterile conditions by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. However, in rare situations, you may require hospitalization if general anesthesia is required.
Do I need to prepare for wisdom tooth surgery?
There is no special preparation required for the surgery, but it is important to discuss the operation with your doctor/dentist so you know what to expect. You may need to arrange for a friend or a relative to come with you.
What happens after the wisdom tooth surgery?
You may have some discomfort and swelling both on the inside and outside of your mouth after surgery. This is usually more for the first two to three days. Your surgeon will prescribe you effective painkillers. You may also find that your jaw is stiff and you may need to eat only soft food for a few days. It is important to keep the extraction sites as clean as possible for the first few weeks after your surgery. You can keep the area free of bits of food by gently rinsing with a mouthwash after each meal. Alternatively, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of warm saltwater. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of table salt in a cup of warm water and start using this on the day after your surgery.
Detailed instructions and precautions can be discussed with the surgeon/attending doctor.
Do I need to take any time off work?
We usually advise you to stay off heavy work and avoid strenuous exercise for a few days.
Are there any risks involved in wisdom tooth surgery?
Bleeding – Although you may have a little bleeding during the procedure, this usually stops very quickly and is unlikely to be a problem if the wound is stitched. If the area bleeds again when you get home, you can usually stop it by applying pressure over the area for at least 10 minutes with a swab of cotton wool. If the bleeding does not stop, please contact us.
Nerves – There are two nerves that lie very close to the roots of your lower wisdom teeth. One of these nerves supplies feeling to your lower lip, chin, and lower teeth. The other supplies feeling to your tongue and helps with the taste. Sometimes these nerves may be ‘bruised’ when a wisdom tooth is taken out. This can cause a tingling or numbness in your lip, chin, or tongue and, more rarely, altered taste.
If you find that your lip or tongue feels numb or tingles in the days following your extraction, please contact us.
Infection – Although there is a small chance of infection, this is Uncommon.
Are there any other alternative treatment options for wisdom tooth problem apart from removal or surgery?
The only other option is to take medicines whenever symptoms precipitate. However, this approach has the potential to worsen your problem further. There are no satisfactory alternatives to removing the cause of the infection – your wisdom tooth. If you do not have your tooth removed, you may get painful infections/recurrent pain.