Do you ever wonder:
Why wisdom teeth are a frequent cause of problems?
Why are wisdom teeth called “Wisdom Teeth”?
Why does your dentist advise getting wisdom teeth removed?
Should wisdom teeth be removed in any situation?
What can happen if the wisdom teeth problem is not addressed out of fear or neglect?
Wisdom molars or third molars are the last teeth present in the jaws. They are commonly referred to as “wisdom teeth” as the age of eruption is around 16-18 years, which in common belief is the age by which a person attains “wisdom”. There are four wisdom teeth in our mouth; i.e. one in each corner of the upper and lower jaw.
They are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth. Most of the time, the space in the jaws has already been occupied by other teeth by the time wisdom molars erupt. This makes non-eruption or partial eruption or eruption into improper position extremely common in these teeth.
In the case of non-eruption, they are termed “impacted” teeth and have a higher probability of causing different types of cysts and tumours in jaws.
In case of partial eruption or eruption in an improper position, maintaining oral hygiene around these teeth is a greater challenge for any individual. This may lead to recurrent food lodgement in the area causing repetitive inflammation. This is also the reason for these teeth to develop cavities, especially at the contact point with adjacent teeth.

In most cases, the best possible management for these teeth is surgical removal. At Indiadens, we deploy the latest technology and armamentarium for the removal of these teeth; for eg Physiodispensor, Piezosurgery unit, PRF grafting (platelet-rich fibrin), Laser biostimulation, etc. The surgical expertise of our team along with cutting-edge technology makes this surgery extremely comfortable for the patients.
Indiadens is one of the leading centres for surgeries of the face and jaws with Dr. Ujjwal Gulati leading the team of dental surgeons.
Indiadens is one of the few dental centres globally to possess highly equipped separate minor OT for these surgeries. All minor surgeries are performed under local anaesthesia and/or inhalation sedation in the minor OT. However, major surgeries are performed in hospital settings under general anaesthesia.
If there is a recurrent problem with a wisdom tooth or there is an associated swelling and pain, you should consult your dentist ASAP.
These teeth are more prone to cause major problems like space infections(infections spreading to the head and neck region), cysts and tumours. It is not something to be scared of but definitely one should be extra careful when wisdom teeth are the nidus of the problem.
Why Indiadens?
- Highly skilled and experienced surgery team: The surgery department is headed by our Director and founder “Dr. Ujjwal Gulati”, who is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and is well-known for his proficiency in dealing with highly complex oral and maxillofacial surgery cases. His skill and experience along with the latest armamentarium make surgical treatment at Indiadens a unique and unforgettable experience.
- State-of-the-art minor OT: We have an in-house minor operation theatre equipped with an ultramodern armamentarium to render the best treatment under ideal sterile settings.
- Inhalation sedation: The OT is also equipped with an inhalational sedation facility for apprehensive/fearful patients.
- World-class infrastructure and equipment: The surgery department at Indiadens is equipped with ultra-modern equipment like atraumatic electric motors, piezosurgery unit, laser, and PRF(platelet-rich fibrin) centrifuge, etc. to give you the best surgical experience.
- Reasonable charges: The icing on the cake for all patients is that in spite of such high-quality standards in infrastructure and human resources, the cost of treatment at Indiadens is extremely reasonable.